Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Earth Feeling the Heat" by Brenda Z. Guiberson

Yesterday the school librarian read our class a book called "Earth Feeling the Heat". It really made me think about how much animals need our help because of how we pollute the world. I learned that even flies have trouble surviving! Because of global warming, the icebergs are melting and polar bears are suffering. In the book a polar bear hunting a seal fell through a broken iceberg and drowned. Is this how animals should be suffering because of our human actions? Think about how many people are using gallons and gallons of gas today.
At the end of the book Brenda Z. Guiberson says we can help the animals by using less energy. Here are some of her suggestions:
"Eat less meat. Raising animals, such as chicken and cows, uses more energy than growing plants." I am a vegetarian from birth. A lot of my friends are pescatarians and flexatarians now!
"Carry a reusable bag when shopping." That's easy!
"Turn off lights and appliances when you leave a room." I had to train myself to do this too. If I can do it you can!
"Plant trees, especially those native to your area. Trees absorb carbon dioxide."
We planted five trees in our backyard last year.  4 dogwoods and 1 redbud.

1 comment:

  1. I feel very sorry for those polar bears :(

    I am going to do better at remembering my reusable bags when I go to the store. Thanks for the helpful tips. Another thing I learned was that tvs and dvd players use energy even when they are off. If you go on vacation you should unplug everything or turn off the power strips.
